Global Hydropower Day
Global Hydropower Day on 11 October 2023 will celebrate the positive impacts of sustainable hydropower on people and communities around the world.
Spearheaded by the International Hydropower Association (IHA), with support from a coalition of developers, operators, manufacturers and industry associations around the world, this day will shine a light on the power that can be harnessed with sustainable hydropower.
Hydropower is the oldest form of renewable energy and has a key role to play alongside all forms of clean energy to push the world towards a net zero future.
Six key messages will be represented throughout the day covering what can be achieved #WithHydropower - and a variety of research and case studies aligned with these themes will be made available to learn about the many roles hydropower has to play in our world.

Please download the above assets and more from the assets toolkit,for sharing on social media, your website and any other networks.
Global Hydropower Day will also see the introduction of Frankie - the reliable and dependable mascot for sustainable hydropower! Frankie is a robotic friend formed out of various elements that make up a hydropower facility including the Francis Turbine and a hydrostatic head inspired by the Kaplan Turbine. He is an engaging, supportive character who can translate complicated information about hydropower into interesting facts.
Don't miss the Find Frankie activity to learn and share interesting facts and figures about sustainable hydropower across the globe.
We invite you to join the celebration by sharing your stories and spreading the word using the hashtag #WithHydropower.