
Pumped Storage Policy in Action  

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Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025

Time: 09:00-10:00 GMT

This webinar explored the critical role of long duration electricity storage, with experts sharing how governments can incentivise and implement pumped storage to meet renewable energy goals and achieve net zero targets.

Discover IHA’s new policy toolkit comprised of success stories from around the world, recommendations for governments to unlock the potential of pumped storage to secure a resilient, net zero energy future.


  • Jai Prakash, Managing Director of Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd 
  • Li Zhiguo, Director of Business Department of Hydropower and Pumped Storage at CTG
  • Gordon Edge, Head of Policy and Insights, International Hydropower Association
  • Rebecca Ellis, Senior Policy Manager, International Hydropower Association


As countries around the world strive to meet the goals of tripling up renewables by 2030 and achieving net zero by mid-century, they are increasingly turning to the now cheap technologies of solar PV and wind power. These variable renewables bring challenges in system management however, which escalate as their penetration into the power mix increases. While storage in the form of chemical batteries will help, the missing piece of the puzzle is long duration electricity storage (LDES), of which Pumped Storage is the biggest and most mature technology option.  

Increasing interest in the policy options available to governments to incentivise LDES in general and Pumped Storage (PS) in particular has resulted in IHA creating a toolkit of recommendations that policy-makers can follow to support the development and delivery of PS. This will be launched in two webinars in January and February, with guest speakers from around the world discussing how the technology has been supported in their countries, and how the IHA recommendations can be seen in action.


Welcome by moderator

Scene setting and introduction to the IHA Policy Toolkit – Gordon Edge

  • Why is PS necessary and important, and why does it need special support?
  • Introduction to the PS Policy Toolkit

Case studies and discussion

  • China: How PS is being supported and how does it show the Toolkit recommendations in action?
  • India: How PS is being supported and how does it show the Toolkit recommendations in action?

Q&A with the audience chaired by moderator

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