IHA annual report charts association’s achievements and priorities
“We have come a long way from the World Commission on Dams in 2000 in our endeavours to advance sustainable hydropower,” write President Roger Gill and Chief Executive Eddie Rich in the foreword to IHA’s 2020-2021 Annual Report, published today.
“But we have much more still to do.”
The Annual Report celebrates the organisation’s achievements in 2020 and looks to ongoing priorities throughout 2021 and beyond.
In the report, transformational changes to the association’s membership model are outlined and September’s World Hydropower Congress is previewed ahead of the opening of registration.
“Over the past year we announced and adopted the IHA Charter for Sustainable Hydropower, launched a consultation on a new Hydropower Sustainability Standard, and convened the International Forum on Pumped Storage Hydropower, to name just a few initiatives,” write Roger and Eddie.
“As we prepare for a ground-breaking World Hydropower Congress and an historic United Nations Climate Conference, we, as an association and a movement, need to work with our key stakeholders.”
“There is a momentum behind us. This momentum needs to be harnessed and steered if the climate crisis – the defining challenge of the next few decades – is going to be addressed.”