
Sediment management

Publication: Extending the Life of Reservoirs: Sustainable Sediment Management for Dams and Run-of-River Hydropower

The book 'Extending the Life of Reservoirs: Sustainable Sediment Management for Dams and Run-of-River Hydropower' provides guidance on adopting sustainable sediment management practices for hydropower dam projects.

Effective sediment management practices, particularly those integrated into the early phase of hydropower project design, can cost-effectively counteract the effects of sedimentation.

The book stresses the value of sediment management measures as a robust adaptation measure to support sustainable hydropower and conserve the active reservoir volume to attenuate floods and to store water for water supply.

“Sustainable sediment management seeks to maintain long-term reservoir capacity, retarding the rate of storage loss and eventually bringing sediment inflow and discharge into balance while maximizing usable storage capacity, hydropower production, or other benefits.”

Sediment management strategies are even more relevant when maintaining reservoir storage becomes increasingly important, especially as climate change becomes a reality, to provide flood control, water for irrigation and reliable energy supply in the new clean energy systems.

Annandale, George W., Gregory L. Morris, and Pravin Karki. 2016. Extending the Life of Reservoirs: Sustainable Sediment Management for Dams and Run-of-River Hydropower. Directions in Development. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0836-8. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO

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